Many internet marketing newcomers enter this arena expecting an easy ride to growing a successful internet business, with massive web traffic to boot. Do you realize the number of ways to increase your website traffic flow? There are a bunch, but many sites don’t have the resources that others have to generate more targeted website traffic. All you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more targeted website traffic for your site.
Website traffic generation comes in many forms and the best techniques usually come with a hefty price. Have you seen the $5 Traffic Trick report? With only USD5 for the report, the strategy when applied, prove to result in powerful long and short term success. All it takes is some effort and extended man hours.
This strategy is ESPECIALLY important to those "WITHOUT" their own opt-in list, because it allows you to get new traffic to your sites daily and produce sales. If you want to know further, feel free to check it out - $5 Traffic Trick Report. Without traffic, you wont make a dime in internet marketing. Hope this helps!
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Start Making Money Online With The Power Of Cumulative Online Streams Of Income
Today, with the use of technology, there is a fourth method that is fast becoming very popular. It is now possible to cheaply create online streams of income via the internet. The prerequisites are:
1- A computer
2- An internet connection
3- Basic knowledge on how to surf the internet
There are two parts to achieve financial freedom – “Finance” and “Freedom”.
Let’s start with “Finance”. To make money online, you will need something to sell. You need a product that interests a wide range of audience, that is easy to sell, and that is profitable to you. In the most ideal of situations, your profit is 100% of the selling price.
To obtain “Freedom”, whatever you sell needs to be able to automatically sustain itself. What this means is that you need a website that that can automatically collect payments, send the product, update itself regularly, and provides its own market materials.
Sounds very theoretical doesn’t it? A website that:
- Is easy to sell
- Let’s you keep 100% of the profit
- Automatically collects payment
- Automatically sends the product
- Updates itself regularly
- Provides marketing material
How much would you pay for an opportunity like this? And I haven’t even mentioned yet that such opportunities should be cheap for you to join as well.
Well, the truth is that such websites are hard to find, but they do exist.
One example is This website is probably the cheapest and fastest way to start making money online. Of course, as you might already have figured from the domain name, making $2 each time is not a lot of money. The trick is to do it many times, over and over again. This is known as an accumulative stream of income.
With, all you need to do is to link to the marketing material this is provided. You can link to it via any form of online communication – emails, forum posts, blogs, social networking sites, etc.
Everytime someone clicks on one of your links and makes a purchase, you will make some money. The more links you leave, the more money you will make. The more creative you are at getting people to click on your links, the more money you will make. The longer your link stays visible to people, the more money you will accumulatively make.
Once you establish a network of such links, you will have an additional stream of income.
For ideas on how to create such a network, please have a look
1- A computer
2- An internet connection
3- Basic knowledge on how to surf the internet
There are two parts to achieve financial freedom – “Finance” and “Freedom”.
Let’s start with “Finance”. To make money online, you will need something to sell. You need a product that interests a wide range of audience, that is easy to sell, and that is profitable to you. In the most ideal of situations, your profit is 100% of the selling price.
To obtain “Freedom”, whatever you sell needs to be able to automatically sustain itself. What this means is that you need a website that that can automatically collect payments, send the product, update itself regularly, and provides its own market materials.
Sounds very theoretical doesn’t it? A website that:
- Is easy to sell
- Let’s you keep 100% of the profit
- Automatically collects payment
- Automatically sends the product
- Updates itself regularly
- Provides marketing material
How much would you pay for an opportunity like this? And I haven’t even mentioned yet that such opportunities should be cheap for you to join as well.
Well, the truth is that such websites are hard to find, but they do exist.
One example is This website is probably the cheapest and fastest way to start making money online. Of course, as you might already have figured from the domain name, making $2 each time is not a lot of money. The trick is to do it many times, over and over again. This is known as an accumulative stream of income.
With, all you need to do is to link to the marketing material this is provided. You can link to it via any form of online communication – emails, forum posts, blogs, social networking sites, etc.
Everytime someone clicks on one of your links and makes a purchase, you will make some money. The more links you leave, the more money you will make. The more creative you are at getting people to click on your links, the more money you will make. The longer your link stays visible to people, the more money you will accumulatively make.
Once you establish a network of such links, you will have an additional stream of income.
For ideas on how to create such a network, please have a look
Friday, August 29, 2008
Grow Your Business with "Konnects"
The concept of social networking has changed the way people interact with one another. The fact that social networking sites are free and can bring a person in contact with millions of people makes not only a tremendous site for making friends it also provides a great business opportunity for many to promote a product or service.
Facebook, MySpace and Friendster have a combined user total of over 400 million people! That is an amazing number of users even when you consider the possibility of someone having an account with each site. It is hard nowadays to find someone without at least one account with a social networking site as the popularity continues to grow. But what's really behind all the social networking popularity? It's the search engines, of course. All the biggest and best search engines love these socialite sites because they contain relevant and fresh content.
In a nutshell, these social watering holes can help get the word out about you and your business at nearly warp speed because of the huge volume of visitors they receive. But how can these sites actually benefit the online marketer? Well, for starters they allow you to create your own dedicated personal pages where you can add things like product or service reviews, articles, ratings, comments and encourage feedback from other readers.
Furthermore, sites like and Digg take it a step further by allowing you to save your favorite links to your own website or blog pages so it can be readily shared with anyone visiting your site. This not only gets the word out about you and your business, it goes a long way in helping establish relationships, credibility and trust.
Konnects is a social network geared toward the young professional just starting out and the new business looking to promote itself and build a community network. It is open to those sharing new business opportunities and for those who want to showcase their skills. For individuals joining an organization that is running the Konnects application there are a number of benefits. Now business professionals can have access to all of their business contacts via the web. The Konnects application can even be set to actively seek out good business matches, and validate the identified resource by providing business contacts shared between two people. This means that as soon as a person joins a new organization running the Konnects application, they are instantly introduced to other members of the group that can help them to reach their business goals. The one good thing about Konnects is that the site does support flash widgets. This is increasingly important for business networks as we continue to see a convergence of business networking with traditional ideas surrounding social networking, as with LinkedIn’s upcoming platform. Sites such as Konnects are giving customers an alternative option to Facebook and MySpace. The question is whether Konnects and others will be able to compete? It will be interesting to see if Konnects and those alike will attract the same level of users.
Actually, all social networking sites have their value and if they are used intelligently they can provide an excellent method for promoting a blog and greatly increases traffic. So, if you haven't already jumped on the social networking bandwagon then you need to! A Final Word No business can stand alone on the internet. Your business and marketing success depends on the connections and networks you create. Using social networking is designed for making such connections, so use them wisely.
Facebook, MySpace and Friendster have a combined user total of over 400 million people! That is an amazing number of users even when you consider the possibility of someone having an account with each site. It is hard nowadays to find someone without at least one account with a social networking site as the popularity continues to grow. But what's really behind all the social networking popularity? It's the search engines, of course. All the biggest and best search engines love these socialite sites because they contain relevant and fresh content.
In a nutshell, these social watering holes can help get the word out about you and your business at nearly warp speed because of the huge volume of visitors they receive. But how can these sites actually benefit the online marketer? Well, for starters they allow you to create your own dedicated personal pages where you can add things like product or service reviews, articles, ratings, comments and encourage feedback from other readers.
Furthermore, sites like and Digg take it a step further by allowing you to save your favorite links to your own website or blog pages so it can be readily shared with anyone visiting your site. This not only gets the word out about you and your business, it goes a long way in helping establish relationships, credibility and trust.
Konnects is a social network geared toward the young professional just starting out and the new business looking to promote itself and build a community network. It is open to those sharing new business opportunities and for those who want to showcase their skills. For individuals joining an organization that is running the Konnects application there are a number of benefits. Now business professionals can have access to all of their business contacts via the web. The Konnects application can even be set to actively seek out good business matches, and validate the identified resource by providing business contacts shared between two people. This means that as soon as a person joins a new organization running the Konnects application, they are instantly introduced to other members of the group that can help them to reach their business goals. The one good thing about Konnects is that the site does support flash widgets. This is increasingly important for business networks as we continue to see a convergence of business networking with traditional ideas surrounding social networking, as with LinkedIn’s upcoming platform. Sites such as Konnects are giving customers an alternative option to Facebook and MySpace. The question is whether Konnects and others will be able to compete? It will be interesting to see if Konnects and those alike will attract the same level of users.
Actually, all social networking sites have their value and if they are used intelligently they can provide an excellent method for promoting a blog and greatly increases traffic. So, if you haven't already jumped on the social networking bandwagon then you need to! A Final Word No business can stand alone on the internet. Your business and marketing success depends on the connections and networks you create. Using social networking is designed for making such connections, so use them wisely.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Link to My Blog Easily With Ask2link
If you have a blog, website, or forum, with a minimum PageRank 1 or Alexa rank under 2,000,000 (2 million), you could earn more money from your blog beyond Google Adsense contextual ads. I have recently joined Ask2link to enable advertisers to buy ad space on my blog. Ask2link provides secure, easy, and fast checkout flow so you could get your text link ads or banner ads live within 2 minutes after online payment. Platforms supported include PHP, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ASP, JSP, and hosted blogs at or . They also provide you with the ability to customize the 'nofollow' tag when you sell your ads. This may affect your ad sales, though.
If you like to monetize your blog or website, you could visit Ask2link to learn more. Ask2link is a search engine marketing company that specializes in selling text links and banner ads. Advertisers, you may want to think about spending your marketing budget beyond PPC(Pay-per-click) such as Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN AdCenter, or Google Adwords.
Static HTML links can bring you targeted traffic, bring you more organic search traffic, and also potentially improve your search engine rankings (SERPs), and you could increase your website traffic or sales. It also has uses in search engine reputation management. Search engine reputation management companies also use various SEO techniques to fight negative publicity. You could now purchase static text links on my website by following on the links below:
Buy links now on ""
And no matter whether you are SEO beginner, expert, SEO consultant, or search engine marketing company, you could also try Ask2Link as SEO tools as they are one of the companies that offer SEO services.
Auction Acrobat Can Help You Build Your eBay Business
If you are familar with eBay, you would know that eBay is the hardest place to automate things as they do not allow custom checkout processes and are very inflexible. If you are looking for a system that can replicated over and over again to generate passive income, I highly recommend you to try out the Auction Acrobat Software.
The Auction Acrobat software is very easy to setup. All it took was about 10 minutes to download and install the program. Once done, you can start selling unlimited CD/DVDs on eBay and quickly integrate the software with eBay, Paypal, Aweber or Getresponse. Auction Acrobat is the only software that automates CD/DVD delivery on eBay. It has several advanced features that will make selling CD/DVD’s on eBay easy and profitable.
So you must be asking yourself. "How can I generate automated passive income streams with this software?" There are many ways to achieve this goal but TWO methods seem to be very popular and are proven to work again and again!
1- Get products with resale rights and sell them on eBay with your name branding. Since Auction Acrobat Software automates the creation, packaging, and shipping of the CD/DVD's, you can have unlimited product selling for profit or you may choose to sell them cheap and build a highly profitable buyer list which will make you consistent money on a long-term basis.
2- Sell high-priced CD/DVD's and make a passive residual income by using the 280+ MILLION
buyers who are looking to buy products from eBay every single day.
FACT: Over 70,000 new buyers join eBay every day!
Find out more about Auction Acrobat and start creating a 100% automatic income on eBay. The discount expires permanently in the next few hours as they don’t want it in too many people’s hands. Get it before it is too late: Auction Acrobat
Monday, August 25, 2008
How Google Makes Their Money?
Everyone knows who and what Google is. Those who don’t must have time traveled to 2008, because Google is one of the most well-known companies around.
Now, most people wouldn’t even classify Google as a company. Most think of Google as merely a search engine, but Google is in actual fact a company that generates a net income that wiggles in the billions!
A question that many ask is ‘how exactly does Google make money?’ or ‘what exactly drives Google’s growth?’
In short, most of Google’s yearly revenue comes from advertising revenue.
When you open Google and type in your keyword/s, like for instance the word "car rentals" then you will notice that at the top and on the right hand side of the page there are sponsored links.
These sponsored links show adverts of different websites. These adverts are adverts that the advertisers (websites) have to ‘bid’ on. The more popular the keyword chosen, the more money needs to be paid for the advert.
The nice thing about the sponsored links is that the advertiser will be advertising to an audience that is already interested in the ‘business’ that the advertiser is trying to sell. This means that if the keyword you are searching is "car rentals", then Google will only display sponsored links/adverts that are relevant to your search query- relevant to the keyword "car rentals".
These adverts that advertisers bid on works on a ‘pay per click’ basis. This means that each time someone clicks on one of the sponsored links, the website whose link they are clicking on will have to pay a certain amount. Each click costs a certain amount to the advertiser- the more popular the keyword the advertiser bids on, the more expensive this keyword will be and this means the more the advertiser will pay per click.
In addition to this, some websites have sections where they host "ads by Google". This program is called "Adsense" and this gives website owners the opportunity to place Google ads on their sites. Again, these ads are always relevant to the particular website it is featured on. The websites these ads are displayed on gets paid a percentage on every click made via their website on one of these ads.
Of course, Google also generates money through other businesses they own and the shares they sell. Google’s share price has been climbing since its inception and by selling shares the company has also earned quite a significant amount.
All the above is exactly how Google makes their money.
Now, most people wouldn’t even classify Google as a company. Most think of Google as merely a search engine, but Google is in actual fact a company that generates a net income that wiggles in the billions!
A question that many ask is ‘how exactly does Google make money?’ or ‘what exactly drives Google’s growth?’
In short, most of Google’s yearly revenue comes from advertising revenue.
When you open Google and type in your keyword/s, like for instance the word "car rentals" then you will notice that at the top and on the right hand side of the page there are sponsored links.
These sponsored links show adverts of different websites. These adverts are adverts that the advertisers (websites) have to ‘bid’ on. The more popular the keyword chosen, the more money needs to be paid for the advert.
The nice thing about the sponsored links is that the advertiser will be advertising to an audience that is already interested in the ‘business’ that the advertiser is trying to sell. This means that if the keyword you are searching is "car rentals", then Google will only display sponsored links/adverts that are relevant to your search query- relevant to the keyword "car rentals".
These adverts that advertisers bid on works on a ‘pay per click’ basis. This means that each time someone clicks on one of the sponsored links, the website whose link they are clicking on will have to pay a certain amount. Each click costs a certain amount to the advertiser- the more popular the keyword the advertiser bids on, the more expensive this keyword will be and this means the more the advertiser will pay per click.
In addition to this, some websites have sections where they host "ads by Google". This program is called "Adsense" and this gives website owners the opportunity to place Google ads on their sites. Again, these ads are always relevant to the particular website it is featured on. The websites these ads are displayed on gets paid a percentage on every click made via their website on one of these ads.
Of course, Google also generates money through other businesses they own and the shares they sell. Google’s share price has been climbing since its inception and by selling shares the company has also earned quite a significant amount.
All the above is exactly how Google makes their money.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
10 Effective Ways To Sell Your Back-End Products
Here's a simple explanation what's backend sale? Your attempt to sell your customers after they have recently purchased a related product from you. If you're not trying to sell back-end products to your customers, you're making a big mistake. It is easier to sell to existing customers than it is to sell to new ones who don't trust your business yet.
Here are ten killer strategies you can use to sell your back-end products to your existing customers:
1. When you ship people the first product they bought, insert a flyer or brochure for your back-end product in the package.
2. Give customers a free subscription to a customers only e-zine when they buy your product. You could include your ad for your back-end product in each issue.
3. Send your customers greeting cards on holidays or on their birthday. Include a small advertisement inside the card for your back-end product.
4. After people order your first product from your website, take them to a "thank you" web page and include
your back-end product ad on that page.
5. Send customers a free surprise gift after they order your first product. You could attach another ad with the free gift for your back-end product.
6. If you're selling an electronic product, like an ebook, include your ad for your back-end product somewhere inside the electronic product.
7. Give your customers a free membership into your "customers only" private site. You could include your ad for your back-end product somewhere inside the private site.
8. Contact your customers by phone and ask them if they were happy with their purchase. You could tell them about your back-end product.
9. Send your customers a thank you letter by mail or e-mail. You could mention your back-end product somewhere on the letter.
10. Ask your customers if they want to be updated in the future when you have new product offers. You could have them sign up to receive e-mail or snail mail updates.
Put it this way-- Your business will have a greater chance of soaring profit when you apply back-end sales techniques. It'll increase your sales automatically, now how GOOD is that?
*This article is authored by Patric Chan. Learn the exact simple techniques how he increases his online profit on autopilot by applying back-end strategies at: The BackEnd Mastery Audio Training Program
Friday, August 22, 2008
Create Your Own DVD & CD Products For Huge Backend Profits
Selling your own backend product is what can drive your business to new levels, but if you don't know how to create your own high quality, high perceived value product, or you don't know how to sell your product to immediately increase your profits, then it will do you no good. I discovered a new solution from Frank Bruno called DVD & CD Profit Machine that I want to share with you. Its a quicker and cheaper method that you can use to produce your very own DVDs & CDs within minutes, and for a fraction of the cost, with no inconvenient wait time for shipping. If you don't already know, the profit margins in selling your own physical products on cd/dvds are GREATER than digital products, since the product is perceived as having a higher value. If you're not implementing physical products (CD/DVD's) in your business somewhere, trust me, you're missing out on huge profits, big time. Frank will show you how you can take these cheap plastic discs to generate HUGE profits on the front and backend - anywhere in your marketing campaign.I encourage you to purchase and actually USE "DVD & CD Profit Machine". That way you will be able to write better ads, pre-sales letters or promotional mailings and increase your chances for sales.Check out video below.
DVD & CD Profit Machine
DVD & CD Profit Machine
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What Can You Do To Get Targeted Traffic?
Here are some effective techniques:
Linking to others
Look for blog which are similar to yours. Ask the website owner for a reciprocal link. Be sure to pick link partners who match your customer profile.
Subscribe to forums that discuss your topic. Join in the discussions, answer questions, and ask pertinant questions yourself. Become known as an expert in the field. Then with each article reply you write, have a discreet link to your website in the signature file. Make sure that your signature conforms with the forum rules. Do not spam the forum or you will be stopped from posting. This is one of the most productive ways of getting free traffic as those who click your link have already read and liked your style.
Write a free informational eBook which you can give away to your clients and others. Place links back to your blog in the eBook.
Joint Ventures
Contact online marketers looking for new products to sell. They often have large mailing lists with eager to buy customers. Usually they are willing to send an email to their list for a cut of the sale price. This works especially well with info products. It has several advantages. It can give a large boost to both your sales and mailing list in a short time.
Buy Expired Domain Traffic
This is probably the cheapest in terms of time and most expensive money wise. You will usually get a traffic boost within a month. What is it that you're buying? You are buying traffic from expired domain names which the company selling the traffic has bought. They are domain names which are still registered on the search engines which get a considerable amount of traffic. The previous domain name owners have either lost interest in the name or simply forgot to renew the registration. The traffic from the expired domain name is simply redirected to your website. This is usually high quality traffic as only expired domains with relevant traffic is redirected to you. As usual, you should do a test run to see if this traffic is suitable.
These techniques are most powerful when used in combination. When you apply them consistently over time, you will develop a rich source of targeted traffic.
Linking to others
Look for blog which are similar to yours. Ask the website owner for a reciprocal link. Be sure to pick link partners who match your customer profile.
Subscribe to forums that discuss your topic. Join in the discussions, answer questions, and ask pertinant questions yourself. Become known as an expert in the field. Then with each article reply you write, have a discreet link to your website in the signature file. Make sure that your signature conforms with the forum rules. Do not spam the forum or you will be stopped from posting. This is one of the most productive ways of getting free traffic as those who click your link have already read and liked your style.
Write a free informational eBook which you can give away to your clients and others. Place links back to your blog in the eBook.
Joint Ventures
Contact online marketers looking for new products to sell. They often have large mailing lists with eager to buy customers. Usually they are willing to send an email to their list for a cut of the sale price. This works especially well with info products. It has several advantages. It can give a large boost to both your sales and mailing list in a short time.
Buy Expired Domain Traffic
This is probably the cheapest in terms of time and most expensive money wise. You will usually get a traffic boost within a month. What is it that you're buying? You are buying traffic from expired domain names which the company selling the traffic has bought. They are domain names which are still registered on the search engines which get a considerable amount of traffic. The previous domain name owners have either lost interest in the name or simply forgot to renew the registration. The traffic from the expired domain name is simply redirected to your website. This is usually high quality traffic as only expired domains with relevant traffic is redirected to you. As usual, you should do a test run to see if this traffic is suitable.
These techniques are most powerful when used in combination. When you apply them consistently over time, you will develop a rich source of targeted traffic.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Simple Strategy For Forex Trading
I'm going to share with you a little of what I've learned in forex trading. I've seen a lot of ambitious people start out and lose a lot of money. They just threw their money into the market and hoped more would come out. That's just wishful thinking. It requires some strategies and behaviors to profit in this business.
I think if you're going to start out, play with the demo platform until you at least feel comfortable. A demo allows you to have a simulated trading experience without actually having to use any of your money. It gives your experience. It allows you to learn how to properly use the trading platform. And it allows you to develop those routines that make profitable trades. The best thing you can do is ease yourself into the market. Only concentrate on making $20. Don't try to go make a $1000 your first day. Just aim small, and work your way up as you achieve each goal. Soon enough you'll be making a lot of money.
I think if you're going to start out, play with the demo platform until you at least feel comfortable. A demo allows you to have a simulated trading experience without actually having to use any of your money. It gives your experience. It allows you to learn how to properly use the trading platform. And it allows you to develop those routines that make profitable trades. The best thing you can do is ease yourself into the market. Only concentrate on making $20. Don't try to go make a $1000 your first day. Just aim small, and work your way up as you achieve each goal. Soon enough you'll be making a lot of money.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Black Hat SEO And White Hat SEO
There are two categories of SEO methods. Black hat SEO and white hat SEO. Either one of the methods can help you gain a higher ranking status on some of the most popular search engines. But, one is more likely to get your website banned from search engines entirely, and according to recent information, your website may not be safe for long. If you haven’t guessed it, the potential bad seed in this batch is the black hat SEO.
White hat SEO is not going to trick the search engines. When you use white hat SEO methods, you can ensure that you are in fact playing by the rules and should be safe from trouble with your website. Websites that use white hat SEO tend to be very helpful to users, search engines and webmasters themselves.
Black hat SEO is the method that tries to trick the search engines by means of unsavory ways gain higher search engine rankings. Some of the methods used in black hat SEO methods include cloaking, hidden texts and doorway pages. Search engines such as Google have announced that they will penalize websites who use these methods when detected.
You may be wondering why black hat SEO methods are blocked if they work so well to get higher rankings, right? Well, they may work well initially, but in the long run most of the black hat SEO methods are being detected and punished by search engines. These methods have not been approved by Google and other search engines, and they can be frustrating to those who are relying on Google and search engines to provide them with good, relevant search results.
You may get away with black hat SEO methods for a while, but chances are good that you will get caught and when you do, it will not be pretty. Even if you think you know people who have used these methods, or continue to use them on their websites and have nothing but good results, you should remind them that it is only a matter of time before they are banned from search engines.
What might be effective right away to gain good rankings on search engines, will cost you a lot more in the end if you end up getting your website banned from Google entirely. Black hat SEO methods are similar to those of cheating in school. You may get away with it for a while with good results, but eventually you will get caught and then all of the hard work that went into building your online business and website will be wasted.
Using white hat SEO methods may be more time consuming and expensive right away, but if you are diligent and determined, your website can be effectively ranked on Google and other search engines. If you are unsure what methods may be considered black hat SEO, you might want to seek out a professional before you attempt to use them.
White hat SEO is not going to trick the search engines. When you use white hat SEO methods, you can ensure that you are in fact playing by the rules and should be safe from trouble with your website. Websites that use white hat SEO tend to be very helpful to users, search engines and webmasters themselves.
Black hat SEO is the method that tries to trick the search engines by means of unsavory ways gain higher search engine rankings. Some of the methods used in black hat SEO methods include cloaking, hidden texts and doorway pages. Search engines such as Google have announced that they will penalize websites who use these methods when detected.
You may be wondering why black hat SEO methods are blocked if they work so well to get higher rankings, right? Well, they may work well initially, but in the long run most of the black hat SEO methods are being detected and punished by search engines. These methods have not been approved by Google and other search engines, and they can be frustrating to those who are relying on Google and search engines to provide them with good, relevant search results.
You may get away with black hat SEO methods for a while, but chances are good that you will get caught and when you do, it will not be pretty. Even if you think you know people who have used these methods, or continue to use them on their websites and have nothing but good results, you should remind them that it is only a matter of time before they are banned from search engines.
What might be effective right away to gain good rankings on search engines, will cost you a lot more in the end if you end up getting your website banned from Google entirely. Black hat SEO methods are similar to those of cheating in school. You may get away with it for a while with good results, but eventually you will get caught and then all of the hard work that went into building your online business and website will be wasted.
Using white hat SEO methods may be more time consuming and expensive right away, but if you are diligent and determined, your website can be effectively ranked on Google and other search engines. If you are unsure what methods may be considered black hat SEO, you might want to seek out a professional before you attempt to use them.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Article Marketing?
If your looking for a consistant way to drive traffic, have you ever considered article marketing? Article marketing is a great way to attract prospects to your online business. Once you apply this strategy and after a little practice it's not difficult to get people interested in your product knocking at your door or in this case your web site or blog. One of my favorite things about article marketing is that you can upload it and forget it! Once your article is written and published correctly it will bring you traffic for a long time.
Article marketing has been around a long time and has now found its way online because it's always a win - win situation. It's also very useful in search engine optimization for your online site. As a side benefit online articles make great link backs! You can start with little or no cost by writing the article and having the article directory publish it. By finding a keyword geared towards your niche and targeting your audience, your content will get noticed. Your name will be seen and you will look like the expert in whatever niche that you are in. From a publishers point of view it's also a great idea because they get free content.
Keep your articles short and to the point. When writing an article for online publication, it is important to keep the topics interesting. One technique that works well is to pinpoint a problem that your reader is having within your article. What you're looking to do is get your reader compelled and to the point of shaking his or her head in agreement by asking leading questions. People go through life wondering how to become successful and how to make a decent amount of money to live on. This is where you come in by taking the reader to your resource box. By having a strong resource box, the reader will be confident enough to believe in what you have written. A resource box comes at the end of an article, gives some information about the author and most importantly directs the reader in what to do next. The resource box also may include a sales pitch, an offer and your web site or blog.
It is always a good idea to offer something free to your readers within your resource box. An e-book or report usually works well. At this point you are beginning to build a relationship with your reader. People don't like to be sold, but eventually they will buy from a friend.
When used consistently and directed at the right audience article marketing can be very beneficial, not only to the publisher of the article, but to you the business owner as well.
Article marketing has been around a long time and has now found its way online because it's always a win - win situation. It's also very useful in search engine optimization for your online site. As a side benefit online articles make great link backs! You can start with little or no cost by writing the article and having the article directory publish it. By finding a keyword geared towards your niche and targeting your audience, your content will get noticed. Your name will be seen and you will look like the expert in whatever niche that you are in. From a publishers point of view it's also a great idea because they get free content.
Keep your articles short and to the point. When writing an article for online publication, it is important to keep the topics interesting. One technique that works well is to pinpoint a problem that your reader is having within your article. What you're looking to do is get your reader compelled and to the point of shaking his or her head in agreement by asking leading questions. People go through life wondering how to become successful and how to make a decent amount of money to live on. This is where you come in by taking the reader to your resource box. By having a strong resource box, the reader will be confident enough to believe in what you have written. A resource box comes at the end of an article, gives some information about the author and most importantly directs the reader in what to do next. The resource box also may include a sales pitch, an offer and your web site or blog.
It is always a good idea to offer something free to your readers within your resource box. An e-book or report usually works well. At this point you are beginning to build a relationship with your reader. People don't like to be sold, but eventually they will buy from a friend.
When used consistently and directed at the right audience article marketing can be very beneficial, not only to the publisher of the article, but to you the business owner as well.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Selling Your Own Ebook
Selling your own ebook can be one of the most profitable aspects of your Internet business. People are always searching for good information online. If you have some expertise in a particular area, you may have a best seller on your hands.
If you do not feel capable of writing your own ebook, there are many services available that you can pay to write your ebook. Elance is just one of many companies that provide writing services. You merely register with the site and provide them with a basic description of what you need. The final detail is providing delivery of your ebook to your customer after payment. This too has become rather easy. First, you need to convert your ebook into an easily downloadable format. PDF format is ideal for this purpose as the software required to read it is readily available if it is not already installed on your buyer’s computer. Once you have completed your ebook, you need to make arrangements to accept customer payments.
In years past you needed your merchant account and had to provide specialized website security to accept credit cards securely. It was a very involved and expensive proposition. There are many more options. In fact, it is quite easy and inexpensive to set it up. Within a few days, one of their writers will get back to you and give you information on the cost, format, etc. In years past you needed your merchant account and had to provide specialized website security to accept credit cards securely. It was a very involved and expensive proposition. There are many more options. In fact, it is quite easy and inexpensive to set it up. Within a few days, one of their writers will get back to you and give you information on the cost, format, etc.
Once you have completed your ebook, you need to make arrangements to accept customer payments. In years past you needed your merchant account and had to provide specialized website security to accept credit cards securely. It was a very involved and expensive proposition. There are many more options. In fact, it is quite easy and inexpensive to set it up. You can use an outside provider like PayPal to handle all of the details.
The final detail is providing delivery of your ebook to your customer after payment. This too has become rather easy. First, you need to convert your ebook into an easily downloadable format. PDF format is ideal for this purpose as the software required to read it is readily available if it is not already installed on your buyer’s computer. Once you have completed your ebook, you need to make arrangements to accept customer payments. In years past you needed your merchant account and had to provide specialized website security to accept credit cards securely. It was a very involved and expensive proposition. There are many more options. In fact, it is quite easy and inexpensive to set it up. You can use an outside provider like PayPal to handle all of the details. Then provide a page on your website where people can download your product. If you don’t have a website, you can deliver your ebook through email.
And there you have it. You are on your way to mega profits with your own ebook. Now, that wasn’t too hard, was it? It was a very involved and expensive proposition. The obvious way to reach others and profit from your knowledge is to write an ebook. This is a very good idea and can be very lucrative.
If you do not feel capable of writing your own ebook, there are many services available that you can pay to write your ebook. Elance is just one of many companies that provide writing services. You merely register with the site and provide them with a basic description of what you need. The final detail is providing delivery of your ebook to your customer after payment. This too has become rather easy. First, you need to convert your ebook into an easily downloadable format. PDF format is ideal for this purpose as the software required to read it is readily available if it is not already installed on your buyer’s computer. Once you have completed your ebook, you need to make arrangements to accept customer payments.
In years past you needed your merchant account and had to provide specialized website security to accept credit cards securely. It was a very involved and expensive proposition. There are many more options. In fact, it is quite easy and inexpensive to set it up. Within a few days, one of their writers will get back to you and give you information on the cost, format, etc. In years past you needed your merchant account and had to provide specialized website security to accept credit cards securely. It was a very involved and expensive proposition. There are many more options. In fact, it is quite easy and inexpensive to set it up. Within a few days, one of their writers will get back to you and give you information on the cost, format, etc.
Once you have completed your ebook, you need to make arrangements to accept customer payments. In years past you needed your merchant account and had to provide specialized website security to accept credit cards securely. It was a very involved and expensive proposition. There are many more options. In fact, it is quite easy and inexpensive to set it up. You can use an outside provider like PayPal to handle all of the details.
The final detail is providing delivery of your ebook to your customer after payment. This too has become rather easy. First, you need to convert your ebook into an easily downloadable format. PDF format is ideal for this purpose as the software required to read it is readily available if it is not already installed on your buyer’s computer. Once you have completed your ebook, you need to make arrangements to accept customer payments. In years past you needed your merchant account and had to provide specialized website security to accept credit cards securely. It was a very involved and expensive proposition. There are many more options. In fact, it is quite easy and inexpensive to set it up. You can use an outside provider like PayPal to handle all of the details. Then provide a page on your website where people can download your product. If you don’t have a website, you can deliver your ebook through email.
And there you have it. You are on your way to mega profits with your own ebook. Now, that wasn’t too hard, was it? It was a very involved and expensive proposition. The obvious way to reach others and profit from your knowledge is to write an ebook. This is a very good idea and can be very lucrative.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Internet Directories
Internet directories have been the most favorite and preferred source of income for hundreds of internet entrepreneurs. These are the simplest source of creating traffic and incoming for your expired domain names. If you have a set of good expired domain names that need quality links and traffic, you can consider using one of the internet directories for the purpose. Internet directories could be a constant source of income for your expired domain business with their innumerable benefits and advantages.
You can use internet directories in a number of ways to create income for your domain expired. Here are some of the well-known ways of making money from online directories:
1- Promoting your expired domain based web portal in internet directories: One of the most popular methods of using an expired domain based web portal is to project it in front of a number of internet directories and make it earn a good name. It means that you will be trying hard to create a niche for your expired domain name by adding immense value to the name. You can create good content and text for your domain and make it SEO friendly to reach maximum number of people. SEO techniques used for the purpose should be search engine friendly and should expect to obey all regulations of search engine submission.
2- Participating in forums, discussion boards and blog to promote your expired domain: This is perhaps one of the most meaningful exercises that you can undertake to make your domain as a visible entity in the big world of internet. You can post messages, information snip lets and marketing ideas about your expired domain in all well-known internet directories.
Once you confirm that your expired domain invisible to thousands of people, you can start earning income by using the following proven methods:Link sales: All internet directories are built with a view to help people to create link sales. With this income earning method, you can sell reciprocal, regular and featured links to your customers and create a solid income base. However, if you are looking for better earning and increased profits, you may need to work towards gaining a higher Page Rank for your expired domain. Getting a good page rank for your expired domain is a difficult and time consuming task that also involves lot hard work.
Revenue from promotion and advertising: Advertising and promotion still remain the most trustworthy sources of income for web masters as well as expired domain traders. There are several free online directories that offer you an opportunity to earn decent income from expired domains. Free directories also offer you sizeable amount of traffic and incoming links that you can use for a number of profitable ventures like Google Adsense system.
Using an expired domain to earn income by employing an internet directory involves a considerable amount of work. You may need to work hard to either promote your expired domain in its original form or by flipping it into a meaningful web site. However, remember that most of the internet directories house only working and live web sites. To promote your expired domain in its original form, you may wish to promote it by using a number of discussion boards, blog and newsletters.
You can use internet directories in a number of ways to create income for your domain expired. Here are some of the well-known ways of making money from online directories:
1- Promoting your expired domain based web portal in internet directories: One of the most popular methods of using an expired domain based web portal is to project it in front of a number of internet directories and make it earn a good name. It means that you will be trying hard to create a niche for your expired domain name by adding immense value to the name. You can create good content and text for your domain and make it SEO friendly to reach maximum number of people. SEO techniques used for the purpose should be search engine friendly and should expect to obey all regulations of search engine submission.
2- Participating in forums, discussion boards and blog to promote your expired domain: This is perhaps one of the most meaningful exercises that you can undertake to make your domain as a visible entity in the big world of internet. You can post messages, information snip lets and marketing ideas about your expired domain in all well-known internet directories.
Once you confirm that your expired domain invisible to thousands of people, you can start earning income by using the following proven methods:Link sales: All internet directories are built with a view to help people to create link sales. With this income earning method, you can sell reciprocal, regular and featured links to your customers and create a solid income base. However, if you are looking for better earning and increased profits, you may need to work towards gaining a higher Page Rank for your expired domain. Getting a good page rank for your expired domain is a difficult and time consuming task that also involves lot hard work.
Revenue from promotion and advertising: Advertising and promotion still remain the most trustworthy sources of income for web masters as well as expired domain traders. There are several free online directories that offer you an opportunity to earn decent income from expired domains. Free directories also offer you sizeable amount of traffic and incoming links that you can use for a number of profitable ventures like Google Adsense system.
Using an expired domain to earn income by employing an internet directory involves a considerable amount of work. You may need to work hard to either promote your expired domain in its original form or by flipping it into a meaningful web site. However, remember that most of the internet directories house only working and live web sites. To promote your expired domain in its original form, you may wish to promote it by using a number of discussion boards, blog and newsletters.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Benefits Of SEO Services
The process of getting your website to the top of the search engines and improving the volume and quality of traffic is known as search engine optimization (seo).Seo services has proven to be one of the most cost-effective forms of web marketing which can help to drive more unique visitors to the website. Some of the top Internet Marketing Services are: pay-per-click (ppc) advertising, blog optimization and marketing, link building programs and targeted local search marketing.
Search Engine Optimization (Seo) is a process of increasing your website’s visibility to search engines via organic search results.
Copywriting- Online seo services sites provides unique, fresh and high quality web content to sell your product or service to the customers. It is an excellent way for promoting the website by providing relevant content.
Blog Marketing increases traffic, sales of web site and also helps to produce search engine friendly content for the web site. Seo helps in setting up blog, updating them and also provide some useful advice.
Link Building/ Link Exchange is a very important service which improves the ranking in search engines by providing high quality and relevant links which points to your site.
Directory Submissions service also help to success of website according to the need and budget. A list of directories is provided which is submitted by hand to provide variety of site description and keywords for promotion of website.
Keyword Analysis service provides keywords and phrases that is relevant for promoting the websites. Right keyword choice is very necessary for increase the business. Seo also use existing keyword list and expand that list according to the requirement of the customer.
Web Design service also plays a very important role for promoting the website. Web designer build pretty site but it is in the top of search engine and no result is found. Web designer deliver quality traffic online and search result of the site for web marketing.
For delivering the ultimate search engine marketing strategy requires an extensive website analysis and new web promotion techniques that take in consideration all aspects of the customer business goals. Seo services provide some of the services which can help to gain permanent back links, good ranking and free traffic. Big companies devote a portion of market budget for promotion of their website of strong online presence for long success in the competitive marketplace and challenging economy.
Search Engine Optimization (Seo) is a process of increasing your website’s visibility to search engines via organic search results.
Copywriting- Online seo services sites provides unique, fresh and high quality web content to sell your product or service to the customers. It is an excellent way for promoting the website by providing relevant content.
Blog Marketing increases traffic, sales of web site and also helps to produce search engine friendly content for the web site. Seo helps in setting up blog, updating them and also provide some useful advice.
Link Building/ Link Exchange is a very important service which improves the ranking in search engines by providing high quality and relevant links which points to your site.
Directory Submissions service also help to success of website according to the need and budget. A list of directories is provided which is submitted by hand to provide variety of site description and keywords for promotion of website.
Keyword Analysis service provides keywords and phrases that is relevant for promoting the websites. Right keyword choice is very necessary for increase the business. Seo also use existing keyword list and expand that list according to the requirement of the customer.
Web Design service also plays a very important role for promoting the website. Web designer build pretty site but it is in the top of search engine and no result is found. Web designer deliver quality traffic online and search result of the site for web marketing.
For delivering the ultimate search engine marketing strategy requires an extensive website analysis and new web promotion techniques that take in consideration all aspects of the customer business goals. Seo services provide some of the services which can help to gain permanent back links, good ranking and free traffic. Big companies devote a portion of market budget for promotion of their website of strong online presence for long success in the competitive marketplace and challenging economy.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Most people who are experienced with search engine optimization would know the basic procedure on how to attain a higher Google Page Rank for a website. With most SEO strategies, one can be sure about an increase of about two or three ranks within three months or so, but it doesn't hurt to gun for more. While SEO is quite simple as long as there is intelligent effort, some SEO services cost money. That is money that could be used elsewhere, so one must look for a better alternative before spending actual money for a higher Page Rank.
Contextual link building is one the most effective SEO strategies available. While you can go on and email people about exchanging links with you, there is actually a better way to gain affiliates to your website. One of these good link building ideas that can be utilized to maximize growth is blogging.
Blog About Products and Services
Blogging can be a sort of regularly-updating advertisement for your online business. It provides news and updates on your products and services to interested parties. By blogging your day-to-day business activities, potential customers can be certain that they can get them whenever and however they can be made available. Make sure that your blog has RSS so that visitors can subscribe and get regular updates to your blog.
Integrate Your Blog with Your Main Site
If your blog is one with your main website, you can have an easier time in increasing Page Rank as it is quite easy to do so with a blog. Within the first three months, it is entirely possible to gain a Page Rank of 3, so if your main website is integrated to your blog, it can share that Page Rank. By utilizing good SEO procedures, it can be easy.
Post Relevant Content Regularly
Regular updates increase the chances of getting a higher Page Rank as Google pings your site every once in a while. This is absolutely helpful if your blog is integrated to your site, so keep the previous tip in mind. By giving visitors the appropriate information, they will be enticed to revisit your site for reference and other such purposes.
Contextual link building is one the most effective SEO strategies available. While you can go on and email people about exchanging links with you, there is actually a better way to gain affiliates to your website. One of these good link building ideas that can be utilized to maximize growth is blogging.
Blog About Products and Services
Blogging can be a sort of regularly-updating advertisement for your online business. It provides news and updates on your products and services to interested parties. By blogging your day-to-day business activities, potential customers can be certain that they can get them whenever and however they can be made available. Make sure that your blog has RSS so that visitors can subscribe and get regular updates to your blog.
Integrate Your Blog with Your Main Site
If your blog is one with your main website, you can have an easier time in increasing Page Rank as it is quite easy to do so with a blog. Within the first three months, it is entirely possible to gain a Page Rank of 3, so if your main website is integrated to your blog, it can share that Page Rank. By utilizing good SEO procedures, it can be easy.
Post Relevant Content Regularly
Regular updates increase the chances of getting a higher Page Rank as Google pings your site every once in a while. This is absolutely helpful if your blog is integrated to your site, so keep the previous tip in mind. By giving visitors the appropriate information, they will be enticed to revisit your site for reference and other such purposes.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Success Specialization Report #1: Rapid Wealth Activation Secrets
Johan Mok has launched 'Success Specialization Series #1 - Rapid Wealth Activation Secrets'. The Rapid Wealth Activator consists of 2 main components, the Manuscript and the Subliminal Binaural Audio.
Johan says, "It presents 9 immutable laws, when followed will help anyone get on the path to a better, more fulfilling professional and personal life. These laws will empower you to dream big dreams, take control of your life, become mega-wealthy, and achieve every goal you can conceive."
People are selling this type of thing online for $39 or more. The 60 Minutes to Freedom package is only $12.97 and includes an MP3 audio to propel you into manifesting the life that you want, plus the two ebooks that include practical steps to creating the life that you desire. You can access everything instantly, for only $12.97. Check it out here(Rapid Wealth Activation Secret) for further info.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Internet Forums
Internet forums are a popular way of socializing and holding discussions on any topic. These forums are popularly known as message or bulletin boards. Now, these forums have turned into a sort of a community, where members can discuss anything. They can seek advice, solve their problems by consulting with other members, etc. These forums are also divided into topics concerning various aspects like relationships, a specific product, a game, fashion, etc. Many Internet lingos are widely used in these forums. The best thing about these Internet forums is that it also has the potential to generate some serious cash. The trick to make cash using Internet forums is simple. The following tips will give you some ideas to make money out of discussions.
- Joining a Forum: This requires a certain amount of research. First, identify your potential customers and find out which websites and forums they frequently visit. If your business is related to selling super bikes, join a community that has similar interests.
- Obey the Rules: When you join the forum, do not indulge in trolling and other activities that can get you banned from the forum. Read the terms and conditions carefully before joining any forum.
- Offer your expertise: When you join a forum, don’t start off immediately by marketing your products. We all know that time is money, but if you want to make money through Internet forums, you require a little patience to make money. When your fellow members face any problem or need some suggestions to buy a bike (or any product/ service), offer your expertise. Let them know that you can solve their problems assuring them to trust you. It would be much more easy to sell your products, once they trust you.
- Develop a good marketing strategy: Strategy is the keyword for any business. While using Internet forums, remember that there are fewer dos and more don’ts. This is because there are many restrictions that some forums have. Try abiding to them. Don’t try and sell your products forcibly. That is a huge turn off for the members. Once your fellow members are assured that you are an expert in your field, try to suggest your products and give a brief description for it. But again, don’t always talk about business. Share your hobbies and interests with others. Not all forums allow using marketing links. Do a research and you will find some forums that allow their usage.
- Use a signature: As some forums don’t allow including links in their posts, using a forum signature is the next best thing. Your signature usually opens a new page that gives personal information about yourself. If other members like your postings, they will surely visit your profile. In order to promote your products or services you can include a link in your profile page that will enable other members to view your products.
- View other profiles: Show some interest towards other members. View their profiles and get an idea of their likes and dislikes.
You can use these forums to your best advantage by advertising your business. The best way to know your fellow forum members is by posting your comments and participating in debates. Once they know that you are the expert, everything depends on your selling skills. Last word of advice, don’t limit yourself to just one forum, join as many as you can. "
- Joining a Forum: This requires a certain amount of research. First, identify your potential customers and find out which websites and forums they frequently visit. If your business is related to selling super bikes, join a community that has similar interests.
- Obey the Rules: When you join the forum, do not indulge in trolling and other activities that can get you banned from the forum. Read the terms and conditions carefully before joining any forum.
- Offer your expertise: When you join a forum, don’t start off immediately by marketing your products. We all know that time is money, but if you want to make money through Internet forums, you require a little patience to make money. When your fellow members face any problem or need some suggestions to buy a bike (or any product/ service), offer your expertise. Let them know that you can solve their problems assuring them to trust you. It would be much more easy to sell your products, once they trust you.
- Develop a good marketing strategy: Strategy is the keyword for any business. While using Internet forums, remember that there are fewer dos and more don’ts. This is because there are many restrictions that some forums have. Try abiding to them. Don’t try and sell your products forcibly. That is a huge turn off for the members. Once your fellow members are assured that you are an expert in your field, try to suggest your products and give a brief description for it. But again, don’t always talk about business. Share your hobbies and interests with others. Not all forums allow using marketing links. Do a research and you will find some forums that allow their usage.
- Use a signature: As some forums don’t allow including links in their posts, using a forum signature is the next best thing. Your signature usually opens a new page that gives personal information about yourself. If other members like your postings, they will surely visit your profile. In order to promote your products or services you can include a link in your profile page that will enable other members to view your products.
- View other profiles: Show some interest towards other members. View their profiles and get an idea of their likes and dislikes.
You can use these forums to your best advantage by advertising your business. The best way to know your fellow forum members is by posting your comments and participating in debates. Once they know that you are the expert, everything depends on your selling skills. Last word of advice, don’t limit yourself to just one forum, join as many as you can. "
Saturday, August 2, 2008
How NOT to spend thousands of Dollars
If you have ever read, listened to or watched a free info product and thought why did I bother wasting my time with that, you have not seen or heard one of Alex Jeffreys free offerings.
His Post Launch Profit Secrets has raised the standard of free. It contains extreme value, in that if you act on what is contained in the audio, you could experience making a life changing amount of money on the Internet.
Now we have all heard the term ‘the money is in the list’, well Alex Jeffreys takes this concept and explains how anyone can create a list. Not just any list, but one that is highly responsive and loves getting their wallets out every time you find a product that you think is worth recommending.
In this free audio the information that Alex gives away is phenomenal. He takes you step by step describing how he found out about this proven money making system. Then he goes into great detail on how we can do it ourselves, without having to pay out the thousands of dollars that Alex did to set him on the path of success he is on now.
Along side him on the audio is Michael Cheney who also gives some invaluable insights into the very same money making system that makes him millions too.
Alex does like to mention a few famous internet marketers’ names and talk about places he has been too, but it is all par for the course and doubles as inspiration for those of us listening and desiring that internet marketing lifestyle.
If you are anything like me, you will be thrilled with information contained within the audio, as it has helped me develop a master plan of success. Hopefully in 8 weeks I too will have the beginnings a list to be proud of and be able to shoot off an email and make money. I’m sure that sounds good to you too!
Get Post LaunchProfits Secrets Now... Click Here!
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