by: Stephanie Lang
It is natural to feel overwhelmed whenever you have any sort of business venture. You get excited, enthusiastic, and very energetic. This normally happens as you have registered for a multi level marketing opportunity. However, there comes the time that all the excitement and other overwhelming emotions die down. You are faced with the realization that the moment to get started has come. The question is, how do you get on with an MLM business? What are the elements and factors to consider in achieving success?
First Things First
Before you count your blessings, you must first come up with a solid plan on how you must get on with an MLM business. Plan your steps. Know the requirements. Come up with specific scripts that will grab potential clients' attention and motivate them to make a decision. Another factor that you should focus on is the advertising concerns of your MLM business.
Some MLM people commit the mistake of incorporating the wrong steps in advertising their products or services. Don't make the same faults if you don't want to fail in this endeavor. Take a look at the following tips to boost your own MLM advertising.
Tip #1. Refrain from using the name of your company or specifying your product in your advertising campaign. There are a lot of MLM firms that forbid their affiliates from using their names in the course of advertising. You have to believe it but it actually brings forth a good effect.
Tip #2. Focus on your goal. Your main goal is not about brand awareness. Your main concern is to build target leads, grab their attention, and let them take the opportunity. Your bottom line is to emphasize briefly what your product and service can generally do to benefit them.
Tip #3. Don't give too much information. Tease them so that they will contact you for further information. Don't ever spoil the magic and appeal of advertising.
Reasons Why You should be Careful with Income Opportunity Advertisements
Generally, MLM companies that deal with income generating opportunities want to be very careful and discreet when it comes to their ads. There are a few vital reasons and they are:
Credibility. When you advertise an income opportunity but the company itself is not doing well, then the issue on credibility arises. This lessens the chances of people joining your network.
Sustainability. This is yet another issue to settle especially when your members are those who are only after the financial gain. They are likely to stick with you because they want their pay checks. The secret to MLM success is the bondage that attaches the members to the products and their commitment to facilitate the growth of the business.
Notice-ability. There are hundreds of MLM companies out there to do business. You should offer something special. Mention it in your ads. Be sure that your announcement is catchy and is sure to stand out.
Advertising medium. Where should you place your ads? There are numerous mediums to use. You may opt for the newspapers, trade journals, pay-per-click, blogs, direct mail, email, radio, web 2.0, post cards, newsletters, and many more.
The way you design your multi level marketing advertisements determine the leads that you may gather and eventually the monetary reward that you will enjoy in the future. Hence, take note of these important tips!
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. Make Money Not War.
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Avoid Getting Ripped Off From Payday Loans
Payday loans can, at first, seem like the long awaited answer to all your financial problems. Payday loans offer customers the opportunity to be pre-approved no matter what their credit history and receive quick, easy, cash loans prior to their next payday. What could go wrong? In fact, payday loans can put uninformed customers in debt much faster than typical loans. Payday loans usually come along with an extremely high interest or APR rate that presents a problem for customers. Instead of getting regular interest rates, customers who take out payday loans find themselves having to face double and sometimes triple the normal interest rates for loans.
Payday loans are meant to be paid back within a short period of time. The idea of a payday cash advance is that you receive a payday advance prior to receiving your pay check. Once you have received your next pay check you are expected to pay back your loan. If you do not plan to pay back your loan this quickly or if you do not have the funds to pay back your loan this quickly then a payday loan may not be the right choice for you. It might make more sense for you to take out a regular loan, and although it may take longer and be more involved to process, you will not be expected to pay back your loan as quickly and your interest rates will be considerably lower.
It is important for customers who think they may be interested in taking out a payday loan to put in plenty of research to educate themselves about payday loans, particularly if they have never taken out a payday loan. If you research the terms and services and are familiar with the ins and outs of payday loans, it is easy to get an online payday loan with a low APR rate, which allows you to get a quick loan and pay it back in a short amount of time with low interest rates.
If you work with an honest company that is not just out to rip you off, you will be able to get a quick loan to cover expenses, bill or other finances. However, make sure you will be able to pay back your loan within a short amount of time; otherwise you may want to consider a different type of loan with lower APR rates. When working with the right loan company you will be very satisfied with your online payday loan and the convenience it offers you. If you are able to find the right company to take out a payday loan from and are sure it is the right choice for you then you will undoubtedly be happy with the convenience if the service.
Payday loans are meant to be paid back within a short period of time. The idea of a payday cash advance is that you receive a payday advance prior to receiving your pay check. Once you have received your next pay check you are expected to pay back your loan. If you do not plan to pay back your loan this quickly or if you do not have the funds to pay back your loan this quickly then a payday loan may not be the right choice for you. It might make more sense for you to take out a regular loan, and although it may take longer and be more involved to process, you will not be expected to pay back your loan as quickly and your interest rates will be considerably lower.
It is important for customers who think they may be interested in taking out a payday loan to put in plenty of research to educate themselves about payday loans, particularly if they have never taken out a payday loan. If you research the terms and services and are familiar with the ins and outs of payday loans, it is easy to get an online payday loan with a low APR rate, which allows you to get a quick loan and pay it back in a short amount of time with low interest rates.
If you work with an honest company that is not just out to rip you off, you will be able to get a quick loan to cover expenses, bill or other finances. However, make sure you will be able to pay back your loan within a short amount of time; otherwise you may want to consider a different type of loan with lower APR rates. When working with the right loan company you will be very satisfied with your online payday loan and the convenience it offers you. If you are able to find the right company to take out a payday loan from and are sure it is the right choice for you then you will undoubtedly be happy with the convenience if the service.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Comparing The Two Types Of Investments
![Comparing The Two Types Of Investments](
Basically, the major difference between the two investments is the fact that short-term plans are actually designed to show a substantial yield in a short time period. While long-term investments, on the other hand, are designed to last for quite a few years and present a slow yet progressive increase in its yield.
Let us discover more about the differences when it comes to the disadvantages and advantages of each type of investment.
Short-Term Investments
The major advantages of investing for a short-term plan are the potentials for growth at a very fast period of time, ranging from a few weeks to a few months. Although there may be fluctuating trends that could affect the market, short-term loans can still allow you more control over your money and you it is more likely that you can keep a more watchful eye on your investment.
However, this type of investment may be a bit riskier due to the fluctuations present in such a volatile stock market, as mentioned above. As compared to its long-term counterpart, this type of investment may much easily be affected by unpredictable circumstances because it is in a shorter period of time. And so, even if there is a very huge chance that you can make a lot of money in this type of investment, there are also great chances that you can lose a lot.
Long-Term Investments
For long-term investment plans on the other hand, there is a greater ability for this type of investment to gain small and distributed profits over a longer time frame. And because it has a slow-but-steady pace, it becomes more stable and involves fewer risks.
But of course, a disadvantage for the slow growth of your investments may indicate that you cannot expect to earn profit right away especially when you are badly in need of money. In addition, you may also have less control over your money because your investment would not mature right away.
Also take note that because investments may require a lot of fees to be paid as it progresses and due to occurring fluctuations in the market, most long-term investments may experience down time before they can actually climb up and become productive.
In choosing between these two major types of investments, the most important thing you have to consider in order to gauge which plan would become more beneficial to you is to contemplate on your reasons for investing.
If you invested in stocks with the ultimate goal to earn money fast then surely a short-term plan would suit you. But on the other hand, if you want to invest for future and insurance purposes like in cases wherein you want to have money when you grow old, then a long-term plan for investing is best.
Whatever your decision may be, always remember that there are advantages and disadvantage in all kinds of investments. And ultimately, to become successful in your endeavor, you must be willing to take on minimal risks and make smart decisions in order to manage your trades.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Viral Marketing
What is Viral Marketing?
“Viral marketing is basically word of mouth marketing that is generated through social websites. It is defined as a marketing technique that uses pre-existing social networks like You Tube, Face Book, Twitter etc to increase brand awareness, improve sales and to achieve other marketing objectives through self-replicating viral processes.”
Viral marketing is a latest marketing strategy that can get you thousands of new subscribers without incurring huge costs. It is a marketing phenomenon that is characterized by the high pass along rate from person to person as it is being linked from one profile to the next profile. Thus due to its self-replicating nature, it facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message more quickly and more widely to a larger number of audience. This is the reason why it is referred to as Viral, as the term viral is analogous to virus and the messages through viral marketing spreads as quickly as the spread of virus or computer viruses.
How Viral Marketing Works?
Viral Marketing is all about connections and developing links. The more quality connections a company can make the more business leads they can generate. The more business leads they create the higher the chances that the lead will end up to purchase a good or service. Today many organizations are hiring Viral Marketing Services (VMS) to seek their professional insight in advance internet technology and expertise in effective marketing strategies. By incorporating a social profile gathering system, a VMS company creates interconnections with web sites and social media groups specific to their client’s target market. Not only to common social media web sites like face book, twitter etc, the internet is home to over 300,000 social community web service providers, that has a huge community of active users. Hence, by actively maintaining an extensive analytical database of these connections, a VMS company can successfully link a business to its targeted customers.
It is also essential for a marketer to create and develop message that generates interests in the audience. This message can be anything ranging from an article, an e-mail, an eBook, a video, a Flash Game or even to a software that can be downloaded. It is the sharing of any of these that actually makes the item "viral". Most of the websites offer free commercial information online in the form of e-books, journals, articles etc to their subscribers. In such case, the free material being provided should be viral and if one likes it, the message can spread vastly among others. Hence through incorporating viral marketing tools one can implement an effective marketing strategy and promote any kind of marketing example article marketing, e-book marketing, etc.
Scope and Importance of Viral Marketing
Viral marketing has a potential to generate buzz about your business quickly. Once a marketer launches a viral campaign, its self-replicating nature spreads the message to masses of prospects and also the viral nature makes it a low cost and low maintenance marketing campaign. In addition to that it is also considered as a more trusted source, as your message or products are pushed through people and not you, hence it is generally more trusted by your prospects and build positive brand image and develop better prospects for your business.
Also with ever improving technology the scope and success of viral marketing has also enhanced. Statistics reveals that nearly two thirds of the world’s Internet population now visits a social network or blog site weekly. Also a latest study from Pew Internet reflects that social networks are becoming a popular source of information and almost 89% of people forward news, events, and vendor specific information to people in their network.
In the presence of such statistics it is evident that, companies either big or small cannot withstand the growing significance of viral marketing and they must integrate viral marketing strategy to ensure success of their online marketing campaign and hence it proves to be one of the effective tools for the success of article marketing efforts. Now having discussed the role of viral marketing let's explore further knowledge about article marketing in the rest of the book.
“Viral marketing is basically word of mouth marketing that is generated through social websites. It is defined as a marketing technique that uses pre-existing social networks like You Tube, Face Book, Twitter etc to increase brand awareness, improve sales and to achieve other marketing objectives through self-replicating viral processes.”
Viral marketing is a latest marketing strategy that can get you thousands of new subscribers without incurring huge costs. It is a marketing phenomenon that is characterized by the high pass along rate from person to person as it is being linked from one profile to the next profile. Thus due to its self-replicating nature, it facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message more quickly and more widely to a larger number of audience. This is the reason why it is referred to as Viral, as the term viral is analogous to virus and the messages through viral marketing spreads as quickly as the spread of virus or computer viruses.
How Viral Marketing Works?
Viral Marketing is all about connections and developing links. The more quality connections a company can make the more business leads they can generate. The more business leads they create the higher the chances that the lead will end up to purchase a good or service. Today many organizations are hiring Viral Marketing Services (VMS) to seek their professional insight in advance internet technology and expertise in effective marketing strategies. By incorporating a social profile gathering system, a VMS company creates interconnections with web sites and social media groups specific to their client’s target market. Not only to common social media web sites like face book, twitter etc, the internet is home to over 300,000 social community web service providers, that has a huge community of active users. Hence, by actively maintaining an extensive analytical database of these connections, a VMS company can successfully link a business to its targeted customers.
It is also essential for a marketer to create and develop message that generates interests in the audience. This message can be anything ranging from an article, an e-mail, an eBook, a video, a Flash Game or even to a software that can be downloaded. It is the sharing of any of these that actually makes the item "viral". Most of the websites offer free commercial information online in the form of e-books, journals, articles etc to their subscribers. In such case, the free material being provided should be viral and if one likes it, the message can spread vastly among others. Hence through incorporating viral marketing tools one can implement an effective marketing strategy and promote any kind of marketing example article marketing, e-book marketing, etc.
Scope and Importance of Viral Marketing
Viral marketing has a potential to generate buzz about your business quickly. Once a marketer launches a viral campaign, its self-replicating nature spreads the message to masses of prospects and also the viral nature makes it a low cost and low maintenance marketing campaign. In addition to that it is also considered as a more trusted source, as your message or products are pushed through people and not you, hence it is generally more trusted by your prospects and build positive brand image and develop better prospects for your business.
Also with ever improving technology the scope and success of viral marketing has also enhanced. Statistics reveals that nearly two thirds of the world’s Internet population now visits a social network or blog site weekly. Also a latest study from Pew Internet reflects that social networks are becoming a popular source of information and almost 89% of people forward news, events, and vendor specific information to people in their network.
In the presence of such statistics it is evident that, companies either big or small cannot withstand the growing significance of viral marketing and they must integrate viral marketing strategy to ensure success of their online marketing campaign and hence it proves to be one of the effective tools for the success of article marketing efforts. Now having discussed the role of viral marketing let's explore further knowledge about article marketing in the rest of the book.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Property Investment in Bulgaria
Bulgaria is a country which has been successful in achieving a consistent economic growth in the past few years. Despite economic and political changes it has undergone, it is slated to become a member of the European Union which will enable to stabilize the currency and look forward to a better conducive environment for economic growth. This reason itself has caused the foreign direct investment to grow exponentially in the past few years, crossing the $2bn mark in 2004. This foreign direct investment has leapfrogged the Gross Domestic Product which makes it very clear that Destination Bulgaria is emerging and any investment in immovable properties would only appreciate in the near future and highly probable that it would do so in the long run.
The property prices have increased by as much as 25% in the past year, which implies that rents also are on the upswing. Big investors and holiday corporate companies are invest more and more, since the rental income would increase substantially. Small investors are already making a fast buck of about 40-50% appreciation on the property they own, by offering resale of complete/ semi-complete developments.
Furthering this boom, the Bulgarian government is working on a legislation to enable freehold ownership of land and property by foreigners. This step is being taken looking at the trend of construction quality and development and success of pioneer investors in the recent past.
Compared to other nations of Europe, the development costs in Bulgaria with respect to labor, land, taxes, utilizes etc. are cheaper. As a result of which, a supply void could be created to hike prices and gains. As more and more multi national companies are entering Bulgaria, the job market is looking up and so is the demand for rental houses and apartments.
The property acquiring process in Bulgaria is simple, since foreigners acquiring properties in Bulgaria was not allowed and is changing.
The property prices have increased by as much as 25% in the past year, which implies that rents also are on the upswing. Big investors and holiday corporate companies are invest more and more, since the rental income would increase substantially. Small investors are already making a fast buck of about 40-50% appreciation on the property they own, by offering resale of complete/ semi-complete developments.
Furthering this boom, the Bulgarian government is working on a legislation to enable freehold ownership of land and property by foreigners. This step is being taken looking at the trend of construction quality and development and success of pioneer investors in the recent past.
Compared to other nations of Europe, the development costs in Bulgaria with respect to labor, land, taxes, utilizes etc. are cheaper. As a result of which, a supply void could be created to hike prices and gains. As more and more multi national companies are entering Bulgaria, the job market is looking up and so is the demand for rental houses and apartments.
The property acquiring process in Bulgaria is simple, since foreigners acquiring properties in Bulgaria was not allowed and is changing.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Understanding The Basics of Balloon Or Reset Mortgage Loans
A balloon mortgage, also called a reset mortgage, offers lower interest rates with the option in 5 or 7 years to pay off the balance or resent the loan. Considered more risky than an ARM since interest rates can jump significantly, it is a valid option for those expecting to move or interest rates to drop.
Balloon Mortgage Features
Balloon mortgages are based on a 30 year amortization schedule, but you only pay those payments for 5 or 7 years depending on your loan’s terms. At the end of that period, you are required to make a balloon payment for the rest of the principal or resent the mortgage at current interest rates. Some financing companies also offer the option of refinancing the home loan.
With its unique interest rate structure, you can qualify to borrow more than a with a fixed rate mortgage. Balloon mortgages also have interest rates lower than a traditional home loan.
Balloon Mortgage Numbers
Balloon mortgages, like ARMs, use numbers to describe terms. The first number is the number of years until you reset the loan or make the balloon payment. The second number equals the rest of the loan term. Together both numbers equal the loan’s amortization schedule.
So a 7/23 mortgage means that you have 7 years until the balloon payment is due, 23 year’s worth of principal. Adding the two numbers together, your loan is amortized for 30 years.
Reset Requirements
In order to reset your loan, you have to qualify by still occupying the home, having no liens against the property, and having made on time monthly payments for the last year. If you don’t qualify to reset the mortgage, you may be able to still refinance the loan.
Balloon Mortgage Considerations
Balloon mortgages don’t have the fluctuating interest rates of an ARM, but they don’t have the caps to safeguard against extremely high future rates. You may also find that due to a reverse in your financial situation you many not qualify to reset or refinance your home, and have to sell it to meet the balloon payment. In the end you are trading security of a fixed rate for lower interest payments.
Balloon Mortgage Features
Balloon mortgages are based on a 30 year amortization schedule, but you only pay those payments for 5 or 7 years depending on your loan’s terms. At the end of that period, you are required to make a balloon payment for the rest of the principal or resent the mortgage at current interest rates. Some financing companies also offer the option of refinancing the home loan.
With its unique interest rate structure, you can qualify to borrow more than a with a fixed rate mortgage. Balloon mortgages also have interest rates lower than a traditional home loan.
Balloon Mortgage Numbers
Balloon mortgages, like ARMs, use numbers to describe terms. The first number is the number of years until you reset the loan or make the balloon payment. The second number equals the rest of the loan term. Together both numbers equal the loan’s amortization schedule.
So a 7/23 mortgage means that you have 7 years until the balloon payment is due, 23 year’s worth of principal. Adding the two numbers together, your loan is amortized for 30 years.
Reset Requirements
In order to reset your loan, you have to qualify by still occupying the home, having no liens against the property, and having made on time monthly payments for the last year. If you don’t qualify to reset the mortgage, you may be able to still refinance the loan.
Balloon Mortgage Considerations
Balloon mortgages don’t have the fluctuating interest rates of an ARM, but they don’t have the caps to safeguard against extremely high future rates. You may also find that due to a reverse in your financial situation you many not qualify to reset or refinance your home, and have to sell it to meet the balloon payment. In the end you are trading security of a fixed rate for lower interest payments.
Friday, February 4, 2011
How You Can Become A Millionaire Via Your Hobby
by: Kristina
Greetings! I have been preaching my wealth creation principles for many years now from the "pulpit" of the Internet and consider it a high honor that I have been able to assist so many of you to commence upon this exciting path of wealth creation, freedom and abundance.
Please accept this one fact – a fact that I am totally and utterly certain of – becoming a millionaire via my wealth creation principles is within the easy grasp of just about everyone one in the western world. So if you are not "making it" right now – that is – what you have been doing up till now has not financially worked for you, why don’t you embrace my teachings until my "knowledge" becomes your "knowing". Remember, a guru or a teacher is only ever the bridge to your inner knowing. Once you have crossed the bridge to your destination the bridge fades into the illusory past and becomes obsolete.
Those of you who have read my other articles (or my book), know that I am not about advising you to borrow money, use existing funds or income, speculating, investing or even "making money". I teach the direct route of Wealth Creation. That is, a millionaire is a person whose net assets in a non fire sale situation, if sold, would bring a price in excess of a net million dollars.
So if you want to become a millionaire fast – we ask the simple question, what is a quick and easy, sure way of increasing your net assets by $1,000,000.00? Now most of you have jobs and families to support, so to avoid burn out, you will need to create this million dollars in assets, not only part time, but also in an enjoyable and relaxing way.
When I was a ten year old in the late fifties, I lived in basically what was a satellite English migrant city in Australia. Almost all families were struggling and times were hard. I recall my father scolding me harshly when he found out that I had wasted my money on buying a few comic books. (I particularly liked "The Phantom").
One morning, in my school holidays I placed my collection of about a dozen comics in an old wooden go-cart and went door-to-door offering to swap my meager supply of comics three for two. Within a few streets my poor old go-cart couldn’t cope with the weight, so I also starting offering to sell my treasures at about a third of retail price. A few hours later, I found I no longer needed to go door to door – all the kids and often their parents came to me in the street. My pile of notes and coins was now piling up as fast as my pile of comics. I leant a lot that first day.
The next morning I was more prepared. I enlisted the help of two schoolmates. We took it in turns to push a large old Victorian pram and added a blanket upon which to lay out all the comics. We had crude signs stuck on the side of the pram and an old strapless handbag for the money. Needless to say we made a killing! The bush telegraph system worked and wherever we went we were swamped with eager customers. In today’s values I probably was creating several hundred dollars a day – a fortune for a ten year old, yet never dared tell my father that those same comic books were now creating more money than he was currently earning.
When the marble craze hit our school, guess who used the same principles? (But "my head master sanctioned school casino with marbles as chips" is another story.)
I later called this system the "arbitrage-compound system of wealth creating" and have used it to this day. Assets, even at a 50% mark up as in the above example, grow to staggering totals if left to multiply unhindered. That is why casinos just love punters who use the many variations of the "double up system". Like the casino barons, the wealth creator uses these principles to his or her own "wealth" advantage.
Now you can start your wealth program with any commodity, however, like a 10 year old lad with his comic books, if you are passionate and/or have a wider than average knowledge about a certain subject then trust me when I say, you already have the ability to fast track your millionaire status.
In my book and other articles, I have used numerous examples of real cases of people just like you who have used their hobby to become wealthy in their spare time.
A recent example, Paul, one of my early readers, shared with me that his passion and hobby was of all things "sea shells". Needless to say, his knowledge on the subject compared to mine, seemed immense. He explained that over the Internet and via magazines, collectors communicate with each other and swap and buy and sell thousands of different types of shells.
Many bring a $1,000.00 plus! Just like I had never considered investing in seashells, Paul had never considered, until he had read my writings, that his hobby and passion could make him super rich. Paul visited me a couple of weeks ago and excitedly told me that the day previous, he picked up in a second hand shop 5 small shells, all of the same species for only $100.00. The dealer grinned like a Cheshire cat at the victory of selling some schmuck 5 worthless shells for a hundred bucks.
Paul had a ready market for those rarer shells at a thousand dollars each! Now please see the difference. The dealer, from his $100 has to pay his overheads. Paul will use the $5,000 to purchase up to $15,000.00 worth of shells. Paul’s wealth total will accelerate an extra $14,900.00 in one buy-sell-buy cycle. The dealer’s $100 became lost in the overheads quagmire.
Another example: An acquaintance of mine began his dinky toy car collection as a boy. His collection "Wealth Total" is also now valued well over a million dollars. Get the picture?
Other readers have successfully used for their wealth program to riches, hobbies involving paintings, jewelry, coins, stamp collecting, gold nuggets, old electric guitars, old bikes, china, postcards, teddy bears, model railroads, signatures, sporting souvenirs - old share certificates - in fact virtually any hobby can be used to kick start your wealth program.
You see with your hobby you already have the knowledge base and the passion - couple this with a wealth program and your future becomes excitingly assured.
In these series of articles and in my book I have laid out an easy, well proved and virtually failure proof plan for you to become a millionaire. Yet I can only sow the seeds. The watering and the caring needs to come from within you.
And remember, it starts with a decision!
Greetings! I have been preaching my wealth creation principles for many years now from the "pulpit" of the Internet and consider it a high honor that I have been able to assist so many of you to commence upon this exciting path of wealth creation, freedom and abundance.
Please accept this one fact – a fact that I am totally and utterly certain of – becoming a millionaire via my wealth creation principles is within the easy grasp of just about everyone one in the western world. So if you are not "making it" right now – that is – what you have been doing up till now has not financially worked for you, why don’t you embrace my teachings until my "knowledge" becomes your "knowing". Remember, a guru or a teacher is only ever the bridge to your inner knowing. Once you have crossed the bridge to your destination the bridge fades into the illusory past and becomes obsolete.
Those of you who have read my other articles (or my book), know that I am not about advising you to borrow money, use existing funds or income, speculating, investing or even "making money". I teach the direct route of Wealth Creation. That is, a millionaire is a person whose net assets in a non fire sale situation, if sold, would bring a price in excess of a net million dollars.
So if you want to become a millionaire fast – we ask the simple question, what is a quick and easy, sure way of increasing your net assets by $1,000,000.00? Now most of you have jobs and families to support, so to avoid burn out, you will need to create this million dollars in assets, not only part time, but also in an enjoyable and relaxing way.
When I was a ten year old in the late fifties, I lived in basically what was a satellite English migrant city in Australia. Almost all families were struggling and times were hard. I recall my father scolding me harshly when he found out that I had wasted my money on buying a few comic books. (I particularly liked "The Phantom").
One morning, in my school holidays I placed my collection of about a dozen comics in an old wooden go-cart and went door-to-door offering to swap my meager supply of comics three for two. Within a few streets my poor old go-cart couldn’t cope with the weight, so I also starting offering to sell my treasures at about a third of retail price. A few hours later, I found I no longer needed to go door to door – all the kids and often their parents came to me in the street. My pile of notes and coins was now piling up as fast as my pile of comics. I leant a lot that first day.
The next morning I was more prepared. I enlisted the help of two schoolmates. We took it in turns to push a large old Victorian pram and added a blanket upon which to lay out all the comics. We had crude signs stuck on the side of the pram and an old strapless handbag for the money. Needless to say we made a killing! The bush telegraph system worked and wherever we went we were swamped with eager customers. In today’s values I probably was creating several hundred dollars a day – a fortune for a ten year old, yet never dared tell my father that those same comic books were now creating more money than he was currently earning.
When the marble craze hit our school, guess who used the same principles? (But "my head master sanctioned school casino with marbles as chips" is another story.)
I later called this system the "arbitrage-compound system of wealth creating" and have used it to this day. Assets, even at a 50% mark up as in the above example, grow to staggering totals if left to multiply unhindered. That is why casinos just love punters who use the many variations of the "double up system". Like the casino barons, the wealth creator uses these principles to his or her own "wealth" advantage.
Now you can start your wealth program with any commodity, however, like a 10 year old lad with his comic books, if you are passionate and/or have a wider than average knowledge about a certain subject then trust me when I say, you already have the ability to fast track your millionaire status.
In my book and other articles, I have used numerous examples of real cases of people just like you who have used their hobby to become wealthy in their spare time.
A recent example, Paul, one of my early readers, shared with me that his passion and hobby was of all things "sea shells". Needless to say, his knowledge on the subject compared to mine, seemed immense. He explained that over the Internet and via magazines, collectors communicate with each other and swap and buy and sell thousands of different types of shells.
Many bring a $1,000.00 plus! Just like I had never considered investing in seashells, Paul had never considered, until he had read my writings, that his hobby and passion could make him super rich. Paul visited me a couple of weeks ago and excitedly told me that the day previous, he picked up in a second hand shop 5 small shells, all of the same species for only $100.00. The dealer grinned like a Cheshire cat at the victory of selling some schmuck 5 worthless shells for a hundred bucks.
Paul had a ready market for those rarer shells at a thousand dollars each! Now please see the difference. The dealer, from his $100 has to pay his overheads. Paul will use the $5,000 to purchase up to $15,000.00 worth of shells. Paul’s wealth total will accelerate an extra $14,900.00 in one buy-sell-buy cycle. The dealer’s $100 became lost in the overheads quagmire.
Another example: An acquaintance of mine began his dinky toy car collection as a boy. His collection "Wealth Total" is also now valued well over a million dollars. Get the picture?
Other readers have successfully used for their wealth program to riches, hobbies involving paintings, jewelry, coins, stamp collecting, gold nuggets, old electric guitars, old bikes, china, postcards, teddy bears, model railroads, signatures, sporting souvenirs - old share certificates - in fact virtually any hobby can be used to kick start your wealth program.
You see with your hobby you already have the knowledge base and the passion - couple this with a wealth program and your future becomes excitingly assured.
In these series of articles and in my book I have laid out an easy, well proved and virtually failure proof plan for you to become a millionaire. Yet I can only sow the seeds. The watering and the caring needs to come from within you.
And remember, it starts with a decision!
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