If you are really serious about earning from Adsense, make sure
you do not do anything that can get yourself banned. I have
listed 'things' that you should NEVER even think of doing.
Never click on your own Ads.
I think this is one of the biggest reasons why Adsense accounts
get disabled. This seems obvious, but its surprising how many
people actually do that intentionally.If you think by clicking on your own ads, you can fool Google, you are highly mistaken. Google has got its own proprietary
technology to find out if the publisher has clicked on his own
ads. And once they know that, your account is in jeopardize.
Never tell others to click on your own Ads
I often see click-swapping on Adsense forums. Its kind of
you-click-on-my-ad-and-i-will-click-on-yours. Never ever do this.
If you want a strong Adsense business, stay away from trouble.
Don't ask even your friends, relatives or employees to click on
your ads. Do not provide any kind of an incentive to anyone for
clicking on your ads.
Never modify Google’s AdSense code
This is against Google’s policy. Just use the code as it is. Don't
play around with it at all.
Never title your Ads the wrong way.
You are not allowed to label your Ads with messages like “Click
Here”, “Related Links” or anything else that misleads people
into thinking that it is not an Advertisement.
You are however allowed to mention “Advertisements” or “Sponsored
Links”, because your ads are actually Advertisements. And
Google is OK with that.
Never put Adsense on sites that have got prohibitive content.
Make sure you do not have Ads on sites that have got anything to do with drugs,
pornography, hatred, gambling etc. Again, this is self explanatory, but some people simply don’t understand!
Never multiple Google Adsense Accounts.
Google allows you to have only 1 personal account and 1 business
account. Google links these two accounts. Never try to fool
Google by creating different accounts under different
Never reveal your Adsense Data
Google doesn't allow public display of your CTR, Impressions,
eCPM etc on forums, eBooks, websites or any other publicly
viewable media. But Google doesn't have any objection if you mention how much
you earn from Adsense.
This posting, by no means, is a comprehensive list of Adsense Policies. I highly recommend you go through all the policies in details. And never even try to cheat the system.
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