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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Prevent Accident Click On Your Own Adsense

With Greasemonkey script, you could prevent any accidental click on your own Adsense Ads.

What you need to do is install Firefox web browser with Greasemonkey extentesion.Then, download and install this script. Once the script being installed, visit your website that has Adsense Ads on it.

The pop up box will come up and you need to enter your publisher ID and you are all set. I hope you know how to find your publisher ID.(You can find your publisher code at the bottom of ‘My Account’ in your AdSense Account’s Dashboard, it looks something like pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).

To test the script are working or not, click 'Ads by Google' of your ad block. Then, if it doesn't go anywhere, then it's working. Now, you can click the ads at will.

1 comment:

Lifeiseasy said...

Pretty cool never hear do f this script .. always wanting to learn more about adsense my self
