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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What If AdWords Were Easy and Cheap?

If you’ve ever tried using Google’s AdWords program to get traffic for your website, you know the big ugly truth. It can cost a TON. It’s a little ridiculous, really. Unless you know what you’re doing, you’ll end up paying scads of money and killing your profits.

That’s the side of AdWords the “expert” never tell you. They make your eyes bulge out when they tell you they made $50,000 or something, but they conveniently leave out that they paid Google $45,000 of it. That’s because Google stacks the deck against you. Sad, but true.

Well, Andrew and Steven show you how to mark the deck and slap Google silly. They’re doing it themselves, and they’ve put it all in a simple, step-by-step guide. I’m sure you’ve heard the tired old garbage about “starting slow” and “building up” to making decent money with AdWords. Poppycock!

Well, not entirely. It’s good not to get sucked into risky schemes that claim you’ll make a million overnight. Those are scams nearly every time (if you find one that isn’t, please let me know!). But Andrew and Steven’s book is different. These guys speak in plain English. They don’t waste your time on flowery theory. They don’t give you tired strategies that used to work well back in 1999. Instead, they lay everything out so real human beings can follow the steps. This simple guide lays it out for you like a blueprint. Andrew says his strategy has let him live life on his own terms, and I believe him.

The bottom line is that being on the first page of Google simply isn’t enough anymore. And starting “slow and steady” will actually get you killed. But if you do what Andrew and Steven tell you to do, financial freedom really could be literally a few clicks away. Andrew and Steven’s book is your roadmap to get there, and I strongly encourage you to take a look at it from this link (Click Here) that will take you to the sales page. When you visit, pay particular attention to the proof on that page. These guys aren’t messing around. They’re not promising some way to cheat Google...they’re talking about how to BEAT Google into submission.

These guys were offering a killer “secret” bonus to the first 50 buyers, but I doubt it’s still there. Might be worth a look just in case, though. Regardless, you can start making $100, $200, $500 or more every single day from Google...if you crack the code and apply the formula Andrew and Steven give you. It really is that simple. Well, it’s time to change things. Andrew and Steven’s simple formula for making AdWords a slave to your profit goals will turn things upside down, and make it “easy”, the way you always wanted it to be.

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