You have large number of options to make money from your blog. You will first need to make a good page rank of your blog or you must have good number of visitors visiting your blog regularly. If you are able to make your blogs popular among masses, you can have large potential of making money from blogging.
I don’t want to insult anyone, but most people are clueless when it comes to making money from their blogs. You should think of your blog as a potential outlet for multiple streams of income. If your ready to take on the challenge of generating income from blogging, the most important thing you need to monetize your blog is traffic.
I don’t recommend using a hosted service like Blogger if you want to seriously make money from your blog. If you use a hosted blog, you’re at the mercy of the hosting service, and that puts the future of any income streams you create with them at risk.
As a blogger who wants to generate income, you should always be experimenting with new income streams. Every blog is different, so you need to test things for yourself to see what works for you. Pick a niche for your blog where you have some significant expertise, but make sure it’s a big enough niche that you can build a good amount of traffic.
Take a moment to articulate a basic income-generating strategy for your site. If you aren’t good at strategy, then just come up with a general philosophy for how you’re going to generate income. You don’t need a full business plan, just a description of how you plan to get from $0 per month to whatever your income goal is. If you learn about a new potential income stream, test it for a month or two, and measure the results for yourself. As a blogger who wants to generate income, you should always be experimenting with new income streams.
Think about what specific action you want your visitors to eventually take that will make money from your blog for you, and design your site accordingly. As I've stated before, traffic is the primary fuel of online income generation. More visitors means more ad clicks, more product sales, more affiliate sales, more leads, and more of whatever else that generates income for you.
I love the name of your blog!!
I will definitely take a closer look at your blog, I haven't made any money yet, I need ideas.
this is true, monetizing your blog is not an overnight job....
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