Have you heard about Entrecard? What is it anyway? EntreCard is a free advertisement exchange network which let you exchange advertisement of your blog with the advertisement of some other blog. Basically you get points when you leave your card at a blog and you also get points when you display the other peoples cards on your blog. I think it is a great way to meet new people and discover blogs. If you want to know any further feel free reading the Entrecard Official Ebook.
So for EntreCard user out there, what do you think about this system? Is worth it or not. To me it is yes and no. The whole point to EntreCard is to get traffic. I do admit that the system really send me some traffic and almost all of my visitors dropped a card, but I received zero new RSS subscribers and less new comments from the visitors. It seems like more EntreCard users are in it to simply drop and run without actually looking at content or subscribing. In my opinion, a good blog visitors are someone who leave you a comment. Any comment, good or bad, is essentially good. Anyway, from my experience with EntreCard, it is worth using it. I love the system but something leak must be fixed. No one perfect in this beautiful world right?? :) If you not the EntreCard user yet, feel free to try it. Never hesitate to share your experience and feedback about Entrecard by simply posting a comment.
I just started using entrecard a few days ago. I noticed that I drop cards on the same blogs daily and if there is a post that catches my eye, I comment. Otherwise I just drop and hope to see some content in the near future that I want to comment on. If I feel compelled to leave a comment, that blog gets added to my feed reader.
But that's just me. I've gotten new traffic and new comments just in a couple days from it.
Your blog isn't set up real easy to leave a comment. When I clicked on the comments, it took me to the contact form. I didn't want to fill that out, just wanted to comment. I finally figured out that if I clicked the title to bring up the individual post, I could then click on comment. Not real user friendly. Most people won't go through the trouble.
I hope that helps?
@Roxanne Green - Thanks Roxanne. It is really helpful. God bless you.
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