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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Market Your Websites to Maximum Effect With The Help of John Thornhill

Click here to get Butterfly Marketing Secrets

In January 2006 Mie Filsaime Launched what was to be one of the greatest website scripts every released in the marketing world. There was a massive buzz about Butterfly Marketing (BM) and the power it had. The ability to provide a free item on the front end, The ability to collect email addresses and each member becoming an automatic affiliate, in turn who could promote your BM website by the simply click of a button or by using the affiliate tools provided inside the members area. Then came the upsell of the One Time Offer (OTO) which was usually a collection of massive gifts and videos which was completely irresistible. The marketing world was astonished by the power of this script and guys were paying top dollar for it.

However simplicity still had it’s problems. Not every site was a success, not every site had a great OTO, not every site was generating massive traffic and mailing lists. Were you one of these people?

I am going to tell you a little story of one man who was most definitely not one of these people! John Thornhill was not one of these guys, in fact John took BM and made such a success he went on to release multiple websites and earned a massive 200k income to date and also built a mailing list of 96 thousand subscribers. These sites are at this time creating a vast residual income on complete auto pilot and drawing in over 250 email subscribers per day.

This link will show you the truth behind the sites, John will actually show you in the video his websites and his subscriber base. Now not only will John show you this but he has also created a free report explain to you how he actually achieved the success of BM and his tips and techniques of OTO usage and the need for urgency, by using his call to action techniques to grab the subscriber and give him no choice but to buy your OTO.

Many guys struggled with BM in 2006, where John websites has flourished from strength to strength, now in 2009 and the launch of BM 2.0 John is providing us all with a free report which will strengthen our grip on BM and tech us how to market our sites, build our lists. The tips and secrets you will learn are priceless and if you are going to read one marketing report this week, this is the one to read.

I have read it and was completely overwhelmed by the amount of content john provides for us. In short this is one of the free reports you always want but never seem to get. John over delivers once more to a point of insanity where he could have quite easily charged $97 for the report and made a killing, but no he feeds us with more top info to make me and you a success.

See how John Thornhill earned over 150k with his Butterfly Marketing websites here.

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