1- Getting Started, Tools You need, etc.: In this part of the video series, you'll learn what you need to get started, including tools or even what to expect. Once you understand this and the quick overview you will be given, you'll know what to expect.
2- Find a Profitable product to promote from ClickBank.com's Marketplace: Finding profitable products to promote from Clickbank.com is one of the most important steps in this video series, but it is not hard at all. In fact, you'll learn how to use Clickbank's stats to pinpoint a good converting product. Yet at the same time, you'll learn a few tips that will allow you to use your own judgment on whether the product will truly convert well or not.
3- Purchase a domain name and redirect to your affiliate link: If you haven't setup your first website, then purchasing a domain name is the first step. But no worries, we aren't going to be learning about HTML in this video. You'll learn how to use tools to find creative yet available domain names that you can use to save you time. After you purchase your domain name, you'll learn how to use it to redirect to your Clickbank affiliate link.
4- Setup a quick and easy blog and posting a review: In this video, you will learn two things: How to setup a blogger blog and how to write a review about the Clickbank products you have chosen. When you write your review you will learn two different ways you can write your review. By knowing this, you can pick and choose what is best for you.
5- Traffic: How to Write...and Submit Press Releases: Writing press releases are different from writing a basic article, but that doesn't mean that you can't do well with them. In this video you'll be given resources that will allow you to write better press releases and we'll use examples of press releases to show you easy it is. After we go over the writing part, you'll learn about different press release sites that you'll want to start submitting too, whether they cost money or they are free.
6- Submit to Article Directories, Squidoo: In this video, you will learn about article directories, what's available and how to use a simple concept when submitting to article directories to gain tons of backlinks. Squidoo lenses are a great way to drive traffic to your sites, so we'll go into that as well.
7- Three Other Traffic Sources: There are three other traffic sources that you'll learn about here that can boost your traffic even further.
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